i want to sleep

Published 2024-04-23

I want to sleep
I am trying to do
everything I am supposed to do.

I have been running on a treadmill,
not really going anywhere. but I like
feeling tired and sore,
my legs.

I am eating well,
I'm not ill (yet), I'm just trying
to keep nourished,
my tired body.

I am wrapped in warm love
and my high thread-count bedding
cradled by a just-hard-enough pillow,
my head.

I am trying to form routines,
nurture my curiosities and interests
it calms the restless buzzing,
my mind.

I dream of making art again,
but how can I dream
if I can't sleep.

I can't force myself to sleep
but I'll just do
everything I am supposed to do.

I will surrender and hope
that time will do
the rest.

Written on 2024-04-23.