world traveller
Published 2024-05-27
I want to see the world,
take me on a cruise.
Lands so vast they fascinate
they shrink as I approach.
I'm afraid to drown, as the
ocean swells and swallows up my mood.
I don't want to scare you away.
I just want to say "hey!"
I want to see the world as me,
I'm tired of watching it on TV.
Maybe I deserve a world
Where I can safely be.
The ocean past, it fascinates
Yet it's a heavy burden to bear.
I don't want to scare you away.
I just want to say "hey!"
here I am, washed ashore
is it a foreign land
or a place I call home
Originally written on 2024-05-10. The phrase "ocean past" is a reference to another poem called ocean past .